HPE Shadowbase Training

“Thanks for doing the [customer] training. After sitting in on most of the training, it appears that [the customer] got their money’s worth. You answered all of their questions and provided tips on how to better their environment using Shadowbase. Great job!! “
– HPE Pointnext personnel
Gravic is proud to offer training for the entire HPE Shadowbase suite of products. The training is provided either as pre-packaged modules aligned with the Shadowbase licensing options, or as a customizable array of modules, allowing the customer to choose the training program which best fits its usage of Shadowbase products.
Training Method
All training modules are lecture-based, and include student guides and labs, which can be configured to the customer’s environment for specific training. References to publications on HPE Shadowbase products are made throughout the modules and these are available on the HPE Support. Training begins with a basic introduction to the products, and advances through required prerequisites in preparation of the more sophisticated advanced modules.
Training Platform
HPE Shadowbase customer training is offered either onsite or via remote access (using Citrix GotoMeeting). The customer can design its Shadowbase training program in half-day or full-day increments, though training is typically offered on a per-day basis.
Please contact us via the training request form below to discuss a customized training program:
Training Courses
Common Course Packages
- Courses 1 (Shadowbase NonStop Basic Replication via Expand) and 3 (Shadowbase NonStop Advanced Replication via Expand)
- Courses 2 (Shadowbase NonStop Basic Replication via TCP/IP) and 4 (Shadowbase NonStop Advanced Replication via TCP/IP)
- Courses 5 (Shadowbase OSS Replication) and 6 (Shadowbase OSS Bi-directional Replication)
Customers need a valid test license, and receive all of the modules in the “Complimentary to NonStop Shadowbase Basic and Advanced Replication.” These courses enable customers to use HPE Shadowbase uni-directional and bi-directional replication (depending on if they have Expand or TCP/IP).
Course Length
All courses are one-day-long, which is defined as up to eight hours of webinar training plus additional testing. The courses include installation. The labs are comprehensively packaged, and contain configuration files, tables, and data generators.
- Course 1: Uni-directional Shadowbase NonStop Basic Replication via Expand
- Course 2: Uni-directional Shadowbase NonStop Basic Replication via TCP/IP
- Course 3: Bi-directional Shadowbase NonStop Advanced Replication via Expand
- Prerequisite Required: Shadowbase NonStop Basic
- Course 4: Bi-directional Shadowbase NonStop Advanced Replication via TCP/IP
- Prerequisite Required: Shadowbase NonStop Basic
- Course 5: Uni-directional Shadowbase NonStop Basic Replication for SQL/MX
- Course 6: Bi-directional Shadowbase NonStop Advanced Replication for SQL/MX
- Course 7: Shadowbase Zero Data Loss Replication
Courses 1-6 are broken into these sections:
- Overview
- Configuration
- Environment Control

Complementary to NonStop Shadowbase Basic and Advanced Replication
- Shadowbase Introduction
- NonStop Shadowbase Installation
- Shadowbase Collector Process Specifics
- Shadowbase Consumer Process Specifics
- Shadowbase Queue Manager (QMGR) Process Specifics
- Shadowbase Database Specification (DBS) Process Specifics
- Shadowbase Performance Tuning
- Shadowbase Troubleshooting
Course 7: Shadowbase for NonStop to Other Server Replication
- Shadowbase for Other Servers Installation (Windows)
- Shadowbase for Other Servers Installation (Unix/HP-UX/Other)
- Shadowbase for Other Servers Target Configuration
- Shadowbase for Other Server Target Monitoring and Managing
Note: Customers who are implementing data and application integration architectures should take Courses 2 and 7, and also all of the modules in “Complementary to Shadowbase NonStop Basic and Advanced Replication.”
Course 8: Shadowbase for Other Servers Basic Data and Application Integration
- Basic Data Integration and Application Integration
- Installation for Windows
- Installation for Unix
- Target Configuration
- Target Monitoring and Managing
- Source Replication for Oracle
- Source Replication for SQL Server
- Source Replication for DB2
- Source Monitoring and Managing
Course 9: Shadowbase for Other Servers Advanced Data Integration and Application Integration
- Advanced Data Integration and Application Integration
- Installation for Windows
- Installation for Unix
- Target Configuration
- Target Monitoring and Managing
- Source Replication for Oracle
- Source Replication for SQL Server
- Source Replication for DB2
- Source Monitoring and Managing
Complimentary with T1122 PID or Separate
- Shadowbase Audit Log (SAL)
- Shadowbase Audit Reader (SAR)
- Shadowbase CreateP (SBCREATP)
- Shadowbase Data Recovery
- Shadowbase DDL Command Replication (SB DCR)
- Shadowbase Data Definition Language Utility (SBDDLUTL)
- Shadowbase Map (SBMAP)
Other Shadowbase Solutions and Utilities
- Shadowbase Compare for MP/MX/Enscribe
- Shadowbase Enterprise Manager (SEM)
- Shadowbase Online Loading (SOLV)
- Shadowbase Online Loading and Verification Utility for OSS Regular Files (SOLVUTIL)
- SOLV Manager (SOLVMGR)
- Shadowbase QMGR Reader Utility