Verification of replication software products for business continuity is critical and requires independent methods to ensure consistency between databases even while they are actively running.
Discrepancies may occur, for example, if either a disaster corrupts one of the databases, or a user misconfigures the application or replication environment.
Read the Solution BriefShadowbase Compare is particularly useful in business continuity data replication environments to validate that a target database matches its source.
Mismatched data
This situation occurs when the tables being compared in the source and target databases have the same primary keys, but their data values differ. Shadowbase Repair can use the values in either the source or target table row to make the data in both tables consistent (match).
Extra or missing data
This situation occurs when a row of data is missing in either the source or the target table. To correct the issue, Shadowbase Repair can either insert or delete values from either table to make both tables consistent.
The user can automatically and quickly correct these discrepancies with just a few simple commands. The user has full control over selecting which table is considered to be correct (referred to as the source table) and which table is considered incorrect (referred to as the target table).
Read the Solution Brief