HPE Shadowbase Streams for Application Integration

Replicate Data Changes from a Database into an Application

Integrate Applications for Competitive Advantage
Over time, the number of legacy applications developed to support an enterprise’s operations grows significantly. Many of these applications are silo applications that recognize inputs from and deliver outputs to hard-coded interfaces only. Disconnected applications are unacceptable in today’s 24×7 always-online environments. Applications that were never intended to work with each other now must cooperate closely in real-time, sharing data to create new value-add services for the enterprise.

Integrating data can be complex. To help, Shadowbase provides a number of adaptors that can be used to quickly and easily integrate the source data with the target environment.  For example, Shadowbase adapters are available for the following target environments: Kafka, IBM MQ, flat-files, and JSON format.

Real-world Shadowbase Application Integration Use Cases

The Data Continuum

From onset to action, there is value in data. The Data Continuum represents data’s typical lifecycle:

  1. Create – From the Edge, through IoT and other means, data is measured and tracked.
  2. Store – Once identified, the data is written to a database or other form of storage.
  3. Analyze – Analytics programs inspect the data, scanning for anomalies and other valuable information.
  4. Learn – The data is translated into meaningful information stating facts, key insights, and accurate metrics.
  5. Act – Strategic analysis of the information creates specific and advantageous actions.

Companies that record and analyze data about their business can analyze their performance, which can help determine the next action to take.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Application Capacity Expansion (ACE)

Application Capacity is Key of IT Resource Scaling

Application capacity defines how many users an IT application service can support in a given response time. Another critical factor is the application’s ability to scale, which is dependent upon the application’s architecture.

The two most important scaling factors for an application are increasing the number of users that can be processed:

  • With the current environment (scaling up)
  • By scaling across environments (scaling out)

Scaling up usually consists of replacing existing hardware with more powerful versions, whereas scaling out usually consists of adding more processing power by spreading the load across multiple environments. Scaling up is often limited by the maximum capacity that a single monolithic environment can achieve.

Learn More About Application Capacity Expansion

Data Transformation

Format Database Changes from a Transaction Log into Usable Events for the Target

Shadowbase software performs whatever data transformation is required to format the database changes as read from the transaction log into usable events for the target application. Fields must be remapped from a source schema to a target schema, and can be eliminated, combined, or aggregated, while data values can be reformatted. Related data can be added from a local database. In short, any enrichment of the data required by the target application can be performed by Shadowbase technology, enabling maximum flexibility for source and target feeds.


HPE Shadowbase Streams

Diverse Applications Interoperate through a Data Pipeline at the Event-driven Level

HPE Shadowbase Streams is a heterogeneous facility that integrates critical data generated by one application and distributes it to to be acted upon immediately by other applications. Legacy applications that were never intended nor designed to work together can now interoperate with the enterprise using HPE Shadowbase software as the data distribution fabric. This powerful, efficient, and flexible architecture enables a real-time enterprise (RTE) to rapidly deliver information where and when it is needed in the format needed without customer application modification, ensuring organizational responsiveness. The application’s workload is optimized to make functional use of the delivered data.

Learn More About HPE Shadowbase Streams
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Real-Time Business Intelligence (RTBI)

Measurable Business Value Derived from Centralizing, Standardizing, and Simplifying Data

Today’s enterprise business insight environments require real-time change data capture updates from legacy systems integrated with online data warehouse systems. (A data pump created by HPE Shadowbase software streams updates into an online data warehouse to keep its data current.) Shadowbase real-time integration software solutions can load the business insight environment without impacting the operational systems that provide the data.

Learn More About RTBI

Related: Data Streaming

Integrate heterogeneous databases with HPE Shadowbase Data and Application Integration for a Multi-database Solution