Please stop by Gravic Booth #11 at the Connect HPE NonStop Technical Boot Camp on November 12-14 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel. On November 11, we are co-sponsoring a Partner Technical Update (PTU) for HPE Sales, Technical Services, and Solution Architects. HPE attendees should contact us for additional information if they plan to attend and have not already registered. We look forward to meeting you at the show and sharing ideas regarding how the HPE Shadowbase product suite can provide solutions to your most pressing business issues for business continuity, data integration and synchronization, and application integration purposes.
Presentations of Interest:
LATUG 2018
Please contact us if you are interested in discussing any of our presentations’ content or having us present them to you or your colleagues.
In late spring, we presented at LATUG (Santiago), and in May, co-sponsored an informative and productive Partner Technical Update (PTU) for HPE Sales, Technical Services, and Solution Architects. This fall, attendees enjoyed our presentation, HPE Shadowbase Update and Extended Use Cases, at the recent regional meetings for OZTUG (Sydney and Melbourne), ATUG (Atlanta), CTUG (Toronto), and MexTUG (Mexico City). We described how HPE Shadowbase software works in several use cases and reviewed new HPE Shadowbase product features, including:
At ATUG, we toured the HPE office in Alpharetta, Georgia, including the server room, which contained a physical system running HPE Virtualized NonStop. At CTUG, we attended several interesting talks, from Mission Critical Blockchain and COBOL to Cucumber (from a customer’s perspective). Through several HPE presentations at OZTUG, we learned more about the Intelligent Edge, SQL/MX, Blockchain/R3 Corda, and NonStop OS Updates. We also gained insight from a Customer Experience presentation.
MexTUG 2018
At MexTUG, HPE presented an interesting talk covering the inception of Hewlett Packard to modern day NonStop. We also met with HPE in their Santa Fe offices and planned sales and business development strategy for NonStop as well as the greater MCS group in the region. We appreciate the opportunity to learn from and interact with our NonStop peers on a more in-depth level at these events. Additionally, we thank all of the participants including customers, vendors, consultants, and HPE executives and technical staff for their support.
Note to HPE account team sales, pre-sales, and solution architect readers and Shadowbase resellers: When we attend shows in your region, please feel free to work with us to add in customer/potential customer site visits before or after the show. We are always excited to meet with your local account team and discuss opportunities, as well as recently released and upcoming HPE Shadowbase features.