
White Papers

Achieving Century Uptimes with Shadowbase Active/Active Technology

Achieving Century Uptimes with HPE Shadowbase Active/Active Technology

An HPE Shadowbase active/active system architecture provides disaster tolerance by maintaining a network of independent processing nodes, each having access to a common replicated database. This architecture eliminates the uncertainty and cost that exists with an active/backup...


Choosing a Business Continuity Solution to Match Your Business Availability Requirements

Business continuity encompasses those activities that an enterprise performs to maintain consistency and recoverability of its operations and services. The availability of application services provided by an enterprise’s IT infrastructure is only one of many facets of...

SB Compare

Data Validation with HPE Shadowbase Compare & Repair Software

Validate that a Source and Target Database Match HPE Shadowbase Compare software is a suite of utility products that validates a target database matches its source, and helps satisfy regulatory requirements for...

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Hardware vs. Software Data Replication for Business Continuity (Disk/Cache Flushing vs. Transactional Replication Engines)

The Connection, by Keith B. Evans
Business continuity encompasses activities that an enterprise performs to maintain timeliness, consistency, and availability of its data, operations, and services. Application availability depends upon the ability of IT...

Undo and redo

HPE Shadowbase Data Recovery Software: UNDO & REDO

HPE Shadowbase Data Recovery Software products can safely restore corrupted databases with a minimum of downtime and a maximum of confidence, quickly and reliably eliminating the potential costs and risks associated with...

Shadowbase Solutions for the Cloud

HPE Shadowbase Solutions for the Cloud

In this white paper, we discuss cloud integration, hybrid cloud architectures and the role that HPE Shadowbase replication solutions can play in hybrid cloud computing for critical applications, showing how they can lower your IT costs, improve fault tolerance of your applications, and increase flexibility. With the advent of cloud computing...

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HPE Shadowbase Solutions in a Big Data World

A big data analytics system typically requires a large network of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of heterogeneous, purpose-built servers, each performing its own portion of the task. All of these systems must intercommunicate with each other in real-time, and integrate with...

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HPE Shadowbase SOLV Product Suite — Online Database Loading, Copying, Synchronizing, and Unloading

The HPE Shadowbase Online Loader (SOLV) and the HPE Shadowbase Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) Toolkit are utility products designed to perform initial database......

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HPE Shadowbase Streams for Data and Application Integration

HPE Shadowbase Streams for application integration and for data integration provide the facilities for integrating existing applications, services, and/or database...

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HPE Shadowbase Suite for HPE NonStop and Other Servers Datasheet

Real-time Data Replication and Integration for a Nonstop World
Competitive advantage requires continuous access to real-time transactional data across the enterprise while avoiding the significant costs of service and data unavailability. HPE Shadowbase solutions...

HPE hardware

HPE Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions for HPE NonStop

For over 40 years, Gravic has lead the industry with HPE Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions for HPE NonStop, providing data replication and data integration solutions for this mission-critical community. The HPE Shadowbase product suite provides the means to meet today’s...

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HPE Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions for Other Servers

HPE Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions for Other Servers is a highly efficient, extremely flexible, robust replication solution based on Gravic’s patented data replication and integration technology, and more than 40 years of experience designing and developing low-latency real-time...

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HPE Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions Product Datasheet

This datasheet provides comprehensive introductory information about the entire HPE Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions product suite. Gravic, Inc. is a world leader in providing innovative data collection, transformation, and distribution solutions for business continuity and...

Using Shadowbase to Eliminate Planned Downtime via Zero Downtime Migrations

HPE Shadowbase Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM)

Continuous availability of online service necessitates the minimization or elimination of planned downtime, such as for an operating system or hardware upgrade, or for installing a new application version. This requirement...

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It Takes Two to Tango — HPE Shadowbase Solutions and Pathway Domains are Perfect Together!

The Connection, by Keith Evans
HPE Shadowbase data replication solutions provide all the capabilities necessary to keep databases replicated and synchronized across multiple systems...

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May 2, 2023 — Gravic Publishes New White Paper: The Advantages of Transaction Protection

Gravic recently published the white paper, The Advantages of Transaction Protection – Avoid the Dangers of Non-audited Environments for Mission Critical Applications. Myths persist that the use of transaction management (TM) software and audited data comes at considerable cost, which outweighs the benefits. However, far from being an impediment, use of a TM and audited...

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Only the Truth: Debunking TMF NonStop Data Protection Myths

The Connection, by Keith B. Evans
Perceptions remain that the use of TMF is superfluous, costly, or has bad performance issues, as well as a lack of understanding or disregard for the data integrity protection benefits offered by TMF. Debunking these myths...

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Shadowbase Synchronous Replication — Product Overview

Shadowbase synchronous replication (Shadowbase Zero Data Loss, or Shadowbase ZDL) resolves two key issues of asynchronous replication: data loss on source system failure and data collisions when running an active/active environment. By eliminating data loss...

On/Off switch

Switching Replication Engines with Zero Downtime and Less Risk

The Connection, Dr. Bruce D. Holenstein, Paul J. Holenstein, and Dr. Bill Highleyman
Sometimes it is necessary to change or update a data replication engine. A zero downtime migration will...

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The Benefits of Switching from Scale-up to Scale-out Architectures

Keeping up with user demand and managing a service outage or brownout is a significant challenge for IT departments. The traditional scale-up approach suffers from significant limitations and cost issues that prevent it from satisfying the ever-increasing workloads of a 24×7 online society...

Stock photo of old backup methods: VHS, floppy disks, cassette tapes, vinyl records, a CD drive

The Best Backup Method for Mission-critical Applications

Physical Tape, Virtual Tape, and the Backup Problem Since there is a growing need for an economic and efficient way to back up very large-scale databases, many companies are returning to physical tape to fill this need. An Online Backup of an Active Database via the Traditional Backup Method is summarized and discussed. However, The...

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The Evolution of Real-Time Business Intelligence and How to Achieve It Using HPE Shadowbase Software

The speed of today’s processing systems has moved classical data warehousing into the realm of real-time. The result is real-time business intelligence (RTBI), also known as real-time data insight and business insight. Business transactions are fed as they occur to an RTBI system...

Using AutoTMF, TMF, and RDF to Enable Disaster Recovery Solutions for BASE24™ Systems

Philip J. Nye writes how to enable improved performance and Disaster Recovery for BASE24 applications using standard HPE NonStop Products such as the Transaction Management Facility (TMF) and NonStop AutoTMF.

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What is Your Business Continuity Plan for the Inevitable?

Extended outages happen, and when they do, the cost to your business can be severe. You are at risk if you: have no business continuity plans, are using tape or virtual tape backup for disaster recovery, or have an active/passive disaster recovery plan, which may encounter failover faults...