A regional bank serving a major resort island took a very stale, aged BASE24 system and upgraded both the hardware platform and BASE24 software with no outages except for a brief time during the final cutover. The bank also replaced a costly data replication product with HPE Shadowbase software. The cutover outage could have been avoided if the bank had elected to use the Shadowbase ZDM features that were installed and tested. In addition, the bank implemented reliable failover procedures that reduced its downtime due to a production failure from two hours to four minutes. The bank is now positioned to reduce its outage time further from four minutes to just seconds when it moves to a full SZT configuration. This case study illustrates that there are no barriers to choosing Shadowbase software as the BASE24 business continuity solution.
Bank Chooses Sizzling-Hot-Takeover Data Replication for its BASE24 Business Continuity Solution